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Install IDE tool for Arduino on your Computer

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a special program running on your computer that allows you to write the code to perform special task, when burn on microcontroller interfacing circuit. In this world of different manufacturers, every manufacture can develop their IDE compatible with their microcontroller and some uses the previous IDE and make it compatible to that available software.

Arduino board has been modeled in simple language and can be interfaced by just installing a simple IDE. The magic happens when you press the button that uploads the sketch to the board: the code that you have written is translated into the C language, and is passed to the avr-gcc compiler, an important piece of open source software that makes the final translation into the language understood by the microcontroller. This last step is quite important, because it’s where Arduino makes your life simple by hiding away as much as possible of the complexities of programming microcontrollers.
Programming cycle on Arduino:
1. Install the software IDE according to the need of your operating systems. This choice should be correct as different IDE has been developed by Arduino developers for different configuration operating system PC.

2. When you click on download option of IDE on Arduino site (, it will be downloaded in Zip file and you have to uncompress it before downloading.

3. Now you must install the drivers that allow your computer to talk to your board through the USB port.

4. Now, plug the Arduino board into the computer through the USB port. New hardware found wizard will come up, just click and install the hardware. Otherwise, you computer won't be able to recognize the Arduino boards.

5. Once the drivers are installed, you can launch the Arduino IDE and start using Arduino. Write a sketch that will bring the board to life.

6. Upload this sketch to the board through the USB connection and wait a couple of seconds for the board to restart. The board executes the sketch that you wrote.

Getting started with Arduino on Windows based computer can be learnt on arduino site ( The developers have provided the full instruction to install the IDE on their manual to aid the individual. If still encounter problems, take help from the user or student who is used to Arduino boards.


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