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Which Gaming Console is right for you?

Today's market is full of different gaming consoles that let your kids to move and jump on sofa and bed. But, it is hard to decide which one is suitable for your children and which will be good to buy. So, here i will discuss the three major brands of gaming consoles and tell you what will be good to buy according to the reviews on technology reviewing sites.

The latest gaming consoles in the market by three different major brands are Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo WII and Microsoft Xbox 360 with kinect. Now, lets discuss the review of all three gaming consoles:-
1. Sony PlayStation 3
- The latest version available in the market is PlayStation 3 by Sony. Sony's Playstation is always considered an icon in gaming world and the PS3 has changed a few things. PS3 has acquired the curves and lost the boxy look compared to previous PlayStations and offers in three different colors apart from the standard color Black. It is available in two storage options- 12 GB and 500 GB which not only store games but also videos, movies, and pictures.

If you and your children love action games or car games, the PlayStation 3 is a great option. It does not mean that it is not good for other games. But, with dual shock controllers, the feedback of hitting and getting hit by someone look realistic. Sony also offers navigation controllers and real-motion games are operated by the motion controller with an addition of Blue-Ray remote control in case you want to use your PS3 as a Blue-Ray disc player. The price of PS3 in India is starting at the rate 18,000 with available free games and premium games cost 599 to 8,000.
2. Nintendo WII
- The WII comes with great motion controller that you can use as a tennis racket, a baseball bat, or boxing gloves. Few months ago, Nintendo has upgraded the controller with an add-on instrument to bring greater accuracy and introduced the new games like archery and darts. WII is not known for its graphic and sound effects, but for the fun loving games and realistic view.

The WII is the smallest console available in the market that costs Rs.16,000 and games cost between 1,000 to 3,600. There is an add-on in the form of WII fit that cost you more. It is a type of floor board that can be used for exercise games and dance.
3. Microsoft XBOX 360 with Kinect
- It is a popular console that brings graphic like PS3 and WII-like movement games. Variants come with 4GB and 250GB storage space and includes the 3D camera. In XBOX 360, you will be the motion controller. You can buy Kinect separately later on when you become use to XBOX games. People interested in action games, flight simulators or car games will find XBOX a good option.

This will cost you Rs.18,000 and games cost between 699 to 7,000. Only you need bigger room to allow the camera perfectly sense the user movements.


If you are willing to buy a good gaming console for kids and not conscious about graphics, The Nintendo WII will be good for you. But, it does not provide variety of games to your children. PlayStation 3 and Microsoft XBOX 360 are good for movement-related games and PlayStation 3 scores highest in terms of graphics and realistic view. Whereas, you won't require any controller with XBOX 360.

Most of the stores allow touch-and-try offer, so experience that before come to conclusion to buy anyone of it. If you want to sit for more time to get the best, there is much talked about PlayStation 4 by Sony releasing this December. So, you can also try and review PS4.


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