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The Facebook Chat Heads different for iOS and Android users

Facebook launched the new application for Facebook user i.e. Facebook Home few day back. This feature included many new features to view your Facebook profile and slide and tap to like and share. This is being considered a good move to acquire the global phone market for Facebook instead of launching their own Facebook phone. Earlier, it was launched only for Android phones but now, it is going to be available for iOS based iPhones from April,16.

It was the 'Chat heads' inbuilt messaging app in Facebook Home for better messaging experience that attracted many. This feature integrates with Facebook messenger installed in Smartphones using Facebook Home. It allows the user to keep chatting with friends when you're using other apps. It simply display the message on the screen with showing small picture of the person who has sent you the message. If you want to delete that message or want to disregard the person, simply swipe the message. And to reply any of the user, you have to just tap the message and reply. This feature is very user friendly and give proper conversation view with your friends.
Difference between Chat Heads for Android and iOS:
But, Facebook has brought more and stylish feature for iOS users. They have added the digital stickers to the messaging service. Just simply tap the smiley to add stickers to your messages. Stickers appear totally different addition that not done for Android users. One can buy more stickers from Stickers store.

And the other changes that Facebook brought for iOS users is bolder, bigger and more beautiful News feed design to mobile environment. The The Facebook executives also stressed that Chat Heads' design and feature set on iOS would be identical to that on Android, but that the heads would only work inside the Facebook application, meaning they won't appear outside the contained environment. This addition is considered to bring more users to Facebook using iOS based phones and tablets.


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