It is common for the new beginners to see and use 8 LEDs connected in series with 8 pin port of 8-bit microcontroller. But, technology is changing and the way we live. For embedded lovers, LED Bargraph could be a better alternative in which 10 LEDs are sealed in a package with +ve and -ve terminals.
LED Bargraph Mechanism:
- LED Bargraph is sealed in a DIP package with 20 pins out of it. The 10 pins (from 1-10) are used as +ve terminal of the LEDs and 11-20 are used as -ve terminal of the LED Bargraph. LED Bargraph saves hardware cost and connection cumbersome with reducing the hardware space.
Above figure shows the 10 LEDs connection which can be connected similarly as LED can be connected to microcontroller. It comes with 2-3 years guarantee and costs as much as LED if taken in bulk.
Connection with Microcontroller:
- LED can be connected in similar as the single LED. It only provides the better visual and make connections less cumbersome.
You can use 8 LEDs connection to 8051 microcontroller as i have shown in above simulation and successfully implementation of embedded C code.
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