The best and sensible bloggers read a lot which make sure them, they won't bout from bloggers world. To keep a fresh list of blog post ideas coming, you should have a go-to list of blogs and sources you check periodically for new ideas. There are several topics that can help a blogger to write articles for their blogs. It may your profession related, hobby, interest or anything on which you wanna blog. But, there are few sources available on Internet that can aid any blogger to get some interesting topics for their blogs.
1. Blog Searches:- Use Google Blog Search or to find other blogs related to your own blog topic. Visit these blogs to see what bloggers are writing about. However, never copy and republish another person’s content. Always write your own blog post, adding your own thoughts on a topic, and attribute the original story source with a link.
2. Feeds and News Sites:- Subscribe to the feeds of blogs you like and blogs related to your own blog topic. Check your feed reader to get post ideas. Keep on top of daily news by visiting popular news sites to see what journalists are talking about.
3. Twitter Streams:- Follow people on Twitter who tweet about topics related to your blog, and check your Twitter stream to learn what people find interesting enough to tweet about each day.
4. Social Bookmarking Sites:- Check out the latest content shared on sites like Digg (, StumbleUpon (, and Yahoo! Buzz ( to see what people are sharing related to your blog topic.
The more time you spend reading content online, the more sources you’ll find. In time, you’ll find favorite sources you check daily and others you only check on occasion. Never stop looking for new sources, and always take the time to reach out to the people behind your favorite online sources in an effort to develop relationships with them.
2. Twitter Trending Topics:- Visit Twitter and view the scrolling bar near the top half of the page to see what topics people are talking about a lot at that moment. You can also view trending Twitter topics in the right sidebar of your Twitter profile when you’re logged in to Twitter.
Following are several ideas to get your source list started:
2. Feeds and News Sites:- Subscribe to the feeds of blogs you like and blogs related to your own blog topic. Check your feed reader to get post ideas. Keep on top of daily news by visiting popular news sites to see what journalists are talking about.
3. Twitter Streams:- Follow people on Twitter who tweet about topics related to your blog, and check your Twitter stream to learn what people find interesting enough to tweet about each day.
4. Social Bookmarking Sites:- Check out the latest content shared on sites like Digg (, StumbleUpon (, and Yahoo! Buzz ( to see what people are sharing related to your blog topic.
The more time you spend reading content online, the more sources you’ll find. In time, you’ll find favorite sources you check daily and others you only check on occasion. Never stop looking for new sources, and always take the time to reach out to the people behind your favorite online sources in an effort to develop relationships with them.
Developing Link Baiting Posts for blogs:
Link bait posts can boost incoming links and drive short term traffic spikes, but they do little in terms of creating loyal, long-term readers. The trick to using link bait posts to grow your blog is to write about link bait topics your core audience is likely to be interested in. Then, people who find your blog through a link bait post that’s directly related to your blog’s topic are more likely to find even more content on your blog they’ll be interested in. That means they’ll linger, click around, and return later.Places to find link bait post ideas:
1. Google Trends:- Google Trends ( is a great place to find link bait ideas because it enables you to find the most searched keyword phrases on any given day. Google Trends updates frequently each day.2. Twitter Trending Topics:- Visit Twitter and view the scrolling bar near the top half of the page to see what topics people are talking about a lot at that moment. You can also view trending Twitter topics in the right sidebar of your Twitter profile when you’re logged in to Twitter.
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