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Difference between Link building and Link baiting

Link building and link baiting are two different things and serve two different purposes. While link building is a blog-growth strategy, as we have discussed earlier, that helps boost your blog’s search engine rankings and traffic in the long term, link baiting causes short-term traffic spikes. However, some of the people who arrive at your blog through your link bait might like what they read and turn into loyal readers. The biggest difference between them is that Link building works for long period of time, whereas Link baiting works on for short period of time to attract traffic on your blog or site.

Link baiting is the process of writing a blog post about a hot topic for the primary purpose of driving short-term traffic and boosting incoming links. For example, if you write a blog about business and see a hot topic about Britney Spears climbing the trending topic on Twitter, Google, or another site that tracks hot topics, you can write a post about Britney on your blog. Hopefully, you’ll catch some of the traffic from people who are actively looking for online information about her.

It’s best to try to write about hot topics (or link bait topics) you can associate with your blog topic in some way. In the Britney Spears example, the business blogger could tie a Britney-related post to the star’s branded fragrances or personal brand strategy. This way, the post fits on the blog and also takes advantage of the potential link bait it could draw. You can get ideas for link bait blog posts by checking the trending topics on the home page of Twitter (or in your Twitter sidebar if you’re logged in to Twitter). The trending Twitter topics scroll across the Twitter home page under the search box.

Find Top Trending Topics using Search Engine tools:

To learn what keyword phrases are hot at any given time, check out the Google Trends page at Popular online discussion topics can also be found by visiting social bookmarking sites like Yahoo! Buzz (click the Top Buzz link on and Digg (click the Top News link on to see what links are rising to the top in terms of sharing and discussion at any given moment.

Disadvantages of Link Baiting:

Using link baiting technique can easy and good method to attract viewers daily on your site. But, this could for a moment or when you update your blog with interesting buzz around the trending topics on Internet. It attracts your visitor for short duration as when topic gets old, no viewer will be interested to see old topic on your blog. Link baiting also involves lot of time of a blogger in writing and searching about trending topics and write attractive thoughts instead of writing about the useful info that can last longer and many visitors read them even after getting old.
These are not only the challenges that a blogger has to face, but he or she has also to face better SEO and competition. Search engine does not optimize these blogs better as the topics they are using, not unique even they are original. And due to similar topic on net, a blogger has to face a tough challenge to attract traffic and to view his or her link on front page result during search results in search engine sites.


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