7 Segment Display is an array of 8 LEDs connected or arranged in a special pattern together to form or display the digits from 0-9 and Dot functions also. LPC2148 micro-controller is an ARM architecture based 32-bit controller used many embedded applications. Program: Theory: 7-segment display contains 10 pins- 8 for LEDs, 1 for common cathode and other one for common anode. 8 LEDs structure forms a display in format of "8" which is used to display counting from 0 to 9 one at a time. You can operate it in two modes- common cathode and common anode. Four 7-segment displays are connection of four displays in a row (as shown in a figure). The features of four 7-segment is same as single 7-segment but, the only difference is that you can display number from 0000 to 9999. These are types are very much applied in general display applications as they are easy to implement and costs less than other display. There is slight different in coding part of four 7-segment disp...
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